What Does Intuitive Counseling Mean?

How can intuitive counseling help? 

Everyone has intuition which can be defined as inner knowing, a sense of wisdom, or a deep connection to your highest self. This inner knowing allows us to make decisions that resonate with what we really want, to set boundaries that support our health, and help us to feel connected to ourselves AND others simultaneously. Intuition can also help us to access our creativity and to get into a flowing and open mindset at work. However, this sense of inner attunement can sometimes be polluted by strong opinions or criticism from others, stress and anxiety, self-doubt, or due to traumas or periods of time in which we have to have a strong outward focus to stay safe. 

I decided to name my practice Intuitive Wellness because I have found that the body is a key source of connection to both intuition and wellness. I have personally experienced moments when I felt something was “off” and checked in with myself instead of checking out into distraction, preoccupation, or overthinking. By tuning in, I have noticed that time and again I can find the answer to a problem, identify what I might need to do to care for myself if there is no solution right now, or recognize if I need to set a boundary or take a step toward or away from something. This ability to check in with ourselves and our body and to pay attention to the internal signals we are inundated with has allowed me to honor and care for myself as well as extend compassion and patience to others. 

It is not unusual for us to spend most of our time in our heads - daydreaming, spinning on a problem we can’t seem to fix, preparing for something that hasn’t yet happened, or focusing on our surroundings and the needs of others - which ultimately distances us from the tools and inner wisdom we have to solve whatever is bothering us. It can seem intimidating to leave the comfort and familiarity of our intellect, yet when we connect to the body, slow down, and tune in, we often find the inner wisdom we are seeking when we are “going down the rabbit hole” of anxiety. If you feel overstimulated, anxious, preoccupied, forgetful, or overwhelmed, you might benefit from gaining some tools that help you to quiet the mind and tune in to your intuition. If you are looking to feel more connected to yourself, less consumed by others, or to have a deeper connection to your body and its internal signals, your inner wisdom may already have led you to this page and I am here to help! Click here to get started, learn more, or contact me.  

With gratitude, 
