Intuitive Wellness Counseling & The Matchstick Collective are excited to be partnering to host experiential workshops to empower friendships among women!

Upcoming workshops:

Befriending Workshop series

Saturdays from 9:30-11:30am

February 2: Befriending Vulnerability

March 14: Befriending Boundaries

April 11: Befriending Social Anxiety

May 2: Befriending Breakups

June 6: Befriending Change

About the Befriending Workshop series:

We all know that meaningful friendships don't form overnight but that friendship among womxn can be powerful and life-changing. Still, there are many challenges to forming healthy and supportive relationships; my goal is for all womxn to have the tools they need to form the friendships that they want. The Befriending Workshop series covers topics that enrich and strengthen friendships, empower community among womxn, and challenge systems of oppression. Join for just one or attend many - we offer 3 packs for $50 (a $75 value!)! See ticket options below and email with any questions. 

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learn more about intensive workshops

If you are interested in joining or would like to learn more about intensive workshops, fill out the form below and Kim will get back to you.