I am passionate about supporting women to increase their confidence and self-worth and tune into their inner wisdom to create lasting changes.

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About kim

I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in Denver, CO. As a therapist, I believe in using your body’s innate wisdom to access the most open, trusting, and authentic version of yourself. The body is a useful access point that we can use to process and integrate past trauma and beliefs that can keep us feeling stuck. Your body is a significant source of data and wisdom to help heal from trauma, upsetting events, and unsupportive relationships. This approach helps us to make lasting changes from the inside-out.

I am passionate about supporting and empowering clients to work through unresolved trauma and old belief systems at their own, intuitive pace. You will find that my approach commonly uses kindness and humor, patience, and mindfulness to help clients feel safe in exploring roadblocks that prevent them from achieving their purpose or accessing their potential. 

I attended graduate school at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois and worked at a community mental health center counseling children and families in Chicago before moving to Denver in 2017. My experience includes working in schools, an outpatient community counseling center, The Blue Bench - a nonprofit that supports survivors of sexual abuse and assault, and a group practice in Capitol Hill, Denver. While attending graduate school, I worked as a legal assistant at a law firm specializing in family building, adoption, and reproductive technology where I discovered a passion for supporting families working through issues of infertility and building their family through non-traditional means. 

I have always been passionate about helping others and was a sensitive, intuitive, “old soul” even at a young age. In my free time, you will find me hiking and exploring Colorado with my partner and our husky named Hank, (learning) snowboarding, reading in a hammock, listening to true crime podcasts, or trying out and sharing new recipes.


Hank the husky